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Top 10 Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

There are various signs and symptoms of depression that may or may not be apparent to you, a family member, or a friend who’s looking for help.

Here’s a list of the 10 most common symptoms and signs of depression. If you find that you have many to all of these symptoms or someone close to you is illustrating them, then it’s recommended that you get help immediately or speak to the person who is acting out on depression.

10 Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

1. The most obvious symptom is a depressed mood that leaves you feeling helpless when it comes to the events that are going on around you. You may feel the need to be anti-social or lash out at others for no apparent reason.

2. A sign of depression is the decline in the amount of interest that you show towards others and activities. Many people cut themselves off from the world when they are experiencing a troubled area in their life. When depression takes place then the individual may not want to participate in any physical or social activities.

3. If there’s an abrupt shift in weight then it may be a sign that the individual is not eating at all, or is gaining an excessive amount of weight by making themselves feel better with food.

4. Insomnia and sleeping problems are relevant to those experiencing depression and can worsen it to an unbearable degree. Many are diagnosed with insomnia after they have been diagnosed with depression. Sleeping too much is also a symptom, in turn making the person lazy.

5. Agitation (and restlessness) is a common sign and may be the result of an individual not receiving the satisfaction that they are searching for in relevance to activities, people, or their environment.

6. A sudden loss of energy, otherwise known as fatigue, is very prevalent and goes hand in hand with a loss of sleep. Read more here → Why Depression Makes You Tired and How to Deal With Fatigue.

7. Those affected by depression may feel that they have no worth or value and they may feel guilty about things that they shouldn’t feel so bad about.

8. Without the ability to focus or manage time well, a common symptom is a “brain fog.” During a brain fog, the victim cannot make decisions clearly.

9. Depending on a mood-altering substance (drugs and alcohol) are clear signs that an individual is depressed and looking for ways to escape from the pain they are feeling. Substance abuse will only increase the symptoms of depression.

10. Suicidal tendencies or thoughts of death.

These common signs of depression can help you to identify people who may suffer from depression. Dealing with depression is not the problem of the sufferer alone. It is also the problem and responsibility of those around.

10 Common Signs of Depression in Men

Men are very prevalent to depression in ways that are not always apparent. This guide offers the top 10 common signs of depression in men. You might not have been aware of these signs until now and this is an opportunity for you to wake up to the responsibility of caring for your loved ones.

1. Failure causes men to go into a deep state of depression, making them feel worthless and without value. If they do not exceed the expectations that they had for themselves then they will begin to feel anxious and as if they are doing something wrong with their lives and the decisions they are making.

2. Men who feel that they are not up to par when it comes to their sexual ability suffer from low self-esteem, which in turn causes depression.

3. The use of drugs and alcohol will take a toll on the male hormones and will cause them to fluctuate. This will set men off balance when it comes to their job and their relationships. As they begin to experience a hormonal falling out they may not realize the effects of the chemicals in drugs and alcohol and their effect on the male body.

4. Working too much and feeling obligated to make enough money for their marriage or family may cause a great deal of stress and lead to male depression.

5. Depression will show up in the male body physically more so than emotionally. Repetitive headaches and stomach aches are a symptom of stress.

6. Men will take risks when they feel that they are lacking fulfillment in a certain area of their lives. Compulsive behavior (and casual sex) is a common symptom.

7. A short temper is a common sign when men are experiencing depression and they may take it out on a close friend, family member, or spouse.

8. Both men and women suffer from insomnia throughout depression by either sleeping too much or not getting enough sleep. A lack of sleep will then result in fatigue and increase the other signs of depression, such as a bad temper.

9. A lack of appetite is common within the male body if they are experiencing anxiety and stress.

10. Men experience depression as they endure a mid-life crisis in which they feel the need to revisit an adolescent stage of life. They may experience confusion along with a feeling of urgency which may cause them to act sporadically or spend money on things they usually wouldn’t consider buying. Throughout their midlife crisis, they begin to believe that they have failed in the life that they have been living and they wish to start over.

These are the common signs of depression that you should be aware of. In many homes, men are the breadwinner. Therefore, you should be ready to offer support to your loved ones who are passing through this condition.

10 Common Signs of Depression in Women

Identifying the common signs of depression in women and quickly taking appropriate measures is very important. Apart from being a loved one, a woman is always in charge of taking care of the children. Men also play important roles in the family but it has been observed that children are always found with the mother. Therefore, any problem that torments a woman will affect the children.

There are biological, social, and cultural reasons why women are depressed. These are the most common signs:

1. If a woman is experiencing problems with her premenstrual cycle and her hormones are fluctuating consistently then she‘s most often a candidate for mild to severe depression.

  Read also → Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

2. The hormones that fluctuate during pregnancy may cause depression in the woman’s body and the thought of pregnancy problems can add to her feeling of anxiety.

3. Postpartum depression takes place after a child is born; this is otherwise known as the “baby blues.”

4. The role of a woman can affect her feelings of worth, in turn affecting her mood. This is referred to as a role strain, taking place when women stress about the responsibilities that they feel obligated to uphold while married and taking care of their family, and/or working. This is also found in a lot of women who are single and raise children on their own.

5. The inequality pertaining to society and the workplace at times may cause a woman to feel helpless, even if she has a satisfactory job or degree. The socioeconomic status of a woman may lead to depression due to the authority she feels that she does not have.

6. Abuse that has been either physical or sexual leads women into a traumatic depression that may last for years on end. Sexual harassment in a working environment also leads women back into the socioeconomic role frame, making them feel unworthy.

7. Being without satisfaction in a relationship leads to a degree of depression, depending on the status of their marriage or the intimacy that they may be lacking.

8. Poverty is more among women who are single and taking care of their children all on their own while also holding a job. This leads to chronic anxiety and depression problems.

9. Before menopause acts out on a woman’s body, there’s a stage that is referred to as pre-menopause and this takes place when the hormones within a woman’s body are inconsistent and fluctuate severely. Women may experience depression towards the beginning of their menopausal stage.

10. Many women feel pressure when it comes to their image, and the type of image that society and men expect of them. Eating disorders are linked closely to depression and are common in women and young girls who feel the need to wear petite clothing or look like women in magazines.

It is a good thing that most of the common signs of depression in women can be easily noticed before things get out of hand. After discovery, the assistance of a professional should be looked for in order to help the woman to continue to play her role in the family.

10 Common Signs of Depression in Children

It’s difficult to comprehend that depression can take place in a child, but the symptoms are very outward and revolve around feelings of hopelessness and sudden alterations in mood. If you are a parent or have children living close to you, knowing some of the common signs of depression in children should come in handy. These are:

1. Feeling angry comes along with youthful depression and does so often. When a child is depressed then they will divert themselves in the same ways that adults do when they feel irritable. They will make it very apparent that they are unhappy with their present situation.

2. If a child speaks continuously of events that they are not in control of and things they will never achieve then they will continue to feel that they do not have what it takes to accomplish a goal. This will lead to depression, especially if the child continues to work hard without receiving the reward that they are in search of.

3. If a child is overly sensitive when it comes to rejection then it may be because they already have insecurities that are adding to their depression.

4. Children will isolate themselves and withdraw from their friends.

5. A change in appetite is common among children who are experiencing rejection. If they are suddenly without an appetite or overindulging themselves then they may be attempting to make themselves feel better by not eating or eating excessively.

6. Vocal outbursts (and sudden crying) is an obvious sign of depression and irritability.

7. If a child cannot concentrate at school or while an adult is speaking then they may not feel satisfied with their environment and they may not care about the things that are going on around them.

8. Not getting enough sleep or sleeping too much may be a result of childhood depression and it can increase their inability to focus and concentrate on people and things outside of their discomfort.

9. Children will experience physical pain if they are undergoing a great deal of anxiety and depression. They will most often experience an irregular amount of stomachaches and headaches.

10. Note that children can be victims of suicidal thoughts, which is why it’s important to study their behavior in different environments and contemplate factors that may be affecting their mood alterations.

The symptoms vary with each child and if they go untreated by a physician who claims that their behavior is normal then it may affect their behavior as they grow older or it may initiate dangerous behavior. Many of the symptoms are masked and should always be handled with care and attentiveness.

10 Common Signs of Depression in Teenagers

Teenagers suffer from some of the same factors that adults suffer from when it comes to depression, anxiety, and stress; but, their symptoms are different and a bit difficult to identify at times.

1. Teenagers may experience aches and pains that they cannot explain. If an appointment with a physician or a physical does not explain the pain that is taking place within a teenager’s body then it may be due to depression.

2. Many young adults feel insecure about themselves and confused about their future. This may cause them to stress and act very sensitive when it comes to criticism in any area of their life. Any sort of criticism that may be demeaning to their self-esteem can cause them to act out in unexpected ways.

3. They may isolate themselves from certain friends that they may have spent a great deal of time with in the past. Unlike adults, they will not cut themselves off from their social crowd completely but will cut certain people out of their lives due to their social inadequacy or confusion.

4. Feeling irritable and angry is very common, more so than a teenager expressing sad emotions. They may get frustrated easily or experience hostile outbursts.

5. If a student is experiencing problems at school then it may be because of low energy – a symptom of depression, affecting them in a way that keeps them from focusing.

6. Teenagers who take part in substance abuse may feel pressure to fit in or may want to escape from the stress that they are experiencing. Teenagers feel that self-medication will assist them with their depression, in turn worsening their anxiety.

7. Eating disorders are most common with teenage girls and it may push them to either stop eating, binge and purge or yo-yo their diet. Male teenagers may feel the need to work out and gain muscle excessively.

8. It isn’t uncommon for young adults to injure themselves if they are feeling depressed. They may cut parts of their body or burn themselves to experience relief.

9. Reckless behavior and not caring about the risk that may come along with a decision are common when teenagers feel that their lives are out of control.

10. Young men, who may feel victimized, may act violently when they are experiencing depression and lash out due to the hate that they have for themselves and their position.

The common symptoms of depression in teenagers should be handled carefully. You cannot always be aware of the whereabouts of your teenage sufferer. You should see his or her problem as yours as well. The period of depression is when you are needed most.

10 Common Signs of Depression in the Elderly

It’s common for the elderly to experience clinical depression due to the illnesses that they are diagnosed with or because of the medications that they are prescribed.

Here are 10 common signs of depression in the elderly:

1. Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood. This is the most common symptom of depression in all age groups, and it is also one of the most difficult to spot in the elderly. Older adults may not be as expressive as younger people, so they may not show their sadness or anxiety in obvious ways. Instead, they may withdraw from social activities, become apathetic, or seem to have lost their zest for life.

2. Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness. These feelings are also common in depression, and they can be very debilitating. Older adults who are depressed may feel like they are a burden to their loved ones, or that they have nothing to offer the world. They may also feel like they are a failure, or that they have made too many mistakes in their lives.

3. Irritability, restlessness, or having trouble sitting still. Some older adults with depression may experience symptoms that are more physical in nature, such as irritability, restlessness, or trouble sitting still. They may also have difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

4. Loss of interest in once pleasurable activities, including sex. This is another common symptom of depression, and it can be very isolating for the elderly person. They may no longer enjoy activities that they used to love, such as spending time with family and friends, going out, or hobbies.

5. Decreased energy or fatigue. Older adults with depression often feel tired and drained, even after getting a good night's sleep. This can make it difficult to participate in daily activities or even just get out of bed in the morning.

6. Moving or talking more slowly. Some older adults with depression may experience physical slowing down, such as moving or talking more slowly. They may also have trouble making decisions or thinking clearly.

7. Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. These cognitive symptoms can be very frustrating for older adults, and they can make it difficult to manage their daily lives. They may have trouble following instructions, remembering appointments, or making simple decisions.

8. Difficulty sleeping, waking up too early in the morning, or oversleeping. Sleep problems are common in depression, and they can vary from person to person. Some older adults with depression may have trouble falling asleep, while others may wake up too early in the morning or sleep too much.

9. Changes in appetite or weight. Changes in appetite and weight are also common symptoms of depression. Some older adults may lose their appetite and lose weight, while others may gain weight.

10. Thoughts of death or suicide. Thoughts of death or suicide are a serious symptom of depression, and they should never be taken lightly. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please seek help immediately.

Seniors need to take part in enough physical activity so that they are naturally boosting their mood and relieving themselves of stagnant depression. Going on a short walk or exercising the dog is enough to help a senior to build strength and keep their mood consistent. A low-impact walk will also improve their health if they are suffering from a joint problem.

Sometimes it’s as easy as providing a senior with a dog or a cat or getting them involved in an activity to occupy their time and their mindset.


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