Have you ever found yourself scrolling through old photos, reminiscing about past experiences, and ending up feeling a pang of sadness rather than joy? This feeling, when it lingers and negatively impacts your present, might be related to " nostalgic depression ." While nostalgia can be a positive experience, nostalgic depression describes a state of dwelling on the past in a way that leads to sadness, regret, and dissatisfaction with the present. What is Nostalgic Depression? Definition Nostalgia, in itself, is a natural human emotion of sentimental longing for the past. It can trigger pleasant memories and evoke a sense of warmth and comfort. However, when this yearning for the past becomes persistent and overshadows the present, coupled with negative emotions like sadness, regret, and dissatisfaction, it can morph into nostalgic depression . This prolonged focus on a seemingly "better" past can negatively impact an individual's present, hindering them from ex...
An intrusive thought is an unwelcome, involuntary thought, image, or unpleasant idea that may become an obsession, is upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate. (source: Wikipedia ) Common examples of intrusive thoughts include unwanted, intrusive thoughts about the safety of oneself or others, causing distress, and thoughts of performing dangerous actions. These thoughts may lead to negative behaviors, which may increase vulnerability to future experiences of trauma. Intrusive thoughts have been linked to recent life stress, sleep deprivation, prior anxiety, and childhood abuse. The state of depression , suicidal ideation, or anxiety may also be caused by the release of stress hormones. Analysis of studies in subjects who had experienced prolonged periods of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) found that intrusive thoughts and flashbacks are associated with greater than 50% of symptoms, especially memory fragmentation. Intrusive thoughts often occur ...