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Showing posts from June, 2024

Complex PTSD as a Disability: Everything You Need to Know

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) is a mental health condition arising from repeated or prolonged exposure to traumatic experiences, often during childhood. It can have a debilitating impact on a person's life, leading many to wonder: is complex PTSD a disability? The answer is yes, C-PTSD can be considered a disability under certain circumstances. This article explores the symptoms of C-PTSD, how it differs from PTSD, and the reasons why it can qualify as a disability. We'll also delve into treatment options and resources available for those living with C-PTSD. Understanding Complex PTSD: Symptoms and Impact C-PTSD shares some symptoms with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), which typically develops after a single traumatic event. However, C-PTSD goes beyond the core symptoms of PTSD, often encompassing a wider range of experiences that significantly affect daily life. Here's a breakdown of common C-PTSD symptoms: Re-experiencing : Flashbacks, nightmares,

Hidden Hurt: 11 Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults

Experiencing traumatic events can be really tough as it leaves emotional and mental wounds that can last a long time. When you go through something difficult, especially as a child, like a traumatic experience, your mind might try to protect you by burying those painful memories deep down. This is called repression, and it's a way for your mind to keep those overwhelming feelings out of sight. It might help you feel better temporarily, but it's not a great way to deal with these emotions in the long run. Childhood trauma that you've pushed down can stay with you without you even realizing it, affecting how you think, act, and relate to others in harmful ways. In this read, we'll look at how to spot signs of this hidden trauma in grown-ups and begin the journey to healing. Understanding Repression and Childhood Trauma The concept of repression originated in psychoanalysis, with Sigmund Freud theorizing it as a key defense mechanism (Ref.: National Institutes of Health Bo

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The Mystery of Edith Bouvier Beale's Mental Health

Edith Bouvier Beale , commonly known as " Little Edie ," was an American socialite and cousin of former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. In this article, we explore the life of Edith Bouvier Beale, an enigmatic figure whose struggles with mental health captivated public attention. From her affluent upbringing to her seclusion in " Grey Gardens ," we delve into the complexities of Edith Bouvier Beale's mental health journey. Edith Bouvier Beale's Mental Health: What We Know (and Don't Know) In the realm of intriguing personalities, Edith Bouvier Beale stands out as a complex figure whose life was marked by both glamour and obscurity. While her name might not ring a bell for everyone, her captivating journey, marred by mental health struggles, has left an indelible mark. Let us delve into the life of Edith Bouvier Beale, exploring her early days, her rise to stardom, her decline into isolation, and the profound impact of mental health challenges on

How To Stop Intrusive Thoughts

An intrusive thought is an unwelcome, involuntary thought, image, or unpleasant idea that may become an obsession, is upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate. (source: Wikipedia ) Common examples of intrusive thoughts include unwanted, intrusive thoughts about the safety of oneself or others, causing distress, and thoughts of performing dangerous actions. These thoughts may lead to negative behaviors, which may increase vulnerability to future experiences of trauma. Intrusive thoughts have been linked to recent life stress, sleep deprivation, prior anxiety, and childhood abuse. The state of depression , suicidal ideation, or anxiety may also be caused by the release of stress hormones. Analysis of studies in subjects who had experienced prolonged periods of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) found that intrusive thoughts and flashbacks are associated with greater than 50% of symptoms, especially memory fragmentation. Intrusive thoughts often occur

OCD: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment, Help, Cure

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , more commonly known as  OCD , is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder and is characterized by way of persistent, undesired thought processes (obsessions) and/or repeating actions (compulsions). Obsession, in this case, is highly unpleasant as the individual is compelled to repeat certain behaviors again and again. The condition, most of the time, is anxiety-related and the  thoughts are unwanted and intrusive . Sufferers often understand that these thoughts are irrational, but by performing compulsive behavior, they believe they will be cured or will be relieved. Recurring actions such as hand washing (to avoid catching germs), counting numbers, checking things over, or cleaning are frequently carried out with the anticipation of avoiding compulsive thoughts or making them disappear altogether. This is to avoid their obsession turning into reality. OCD is a common mental condition that affects 2.5 million adults or