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How to Deal with Anxiety: Basics and Beyond

How to Deal with Anxiety

Most of us don’t know how to deal with anxiety because anxiety is a natural state of mind that develops primarily when we face problematic, stressful situations, or consider the possibility of threats of various kinds. The emotion is related to that of fear but is distinguished by the fact that fear occurs in response to a blatant threat, whereas anxiety concerns possible threats or problems, sometimes not even specific ones.

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

Sometimes, anxiety is completely justified, but frequently it is not. It is very easy for anxiety to get out of hand, so a person may eventually become unduly anxious about many things. By the time it gets to that stage, we may be talking about  what is called an anxiety disorder. If so, it is high time in such cases that the matter of how to deal with anxiety is given proper consideration.

Most people get anxious in stressful situations. For example, anxiety develops when people go into an unfamiliar scenario, like an interview for a new job, or when meeting new people in social situations. A certain amount of anxiety, when faced with such challenges, is natural, but the feelings people experience should be easily manageable as well. They should still be able to complete the process of the job interview or talk to strangers in a friendly manner.

However, more severe anxiety is not so easy to shift. But, how do you know if your anxiety has gotten out of hand? Well, if it gets to the stage that you cannot function properly due to your anxiety, it may be said that the problem has become rather serious.

If you avoid social occasions out of anxiety, or maybe fear leaving your home, it is almost certain that you have a problem. If you suffer panic attacks in such situations, you must take steps to conquer your anxiety.

For those who want to know how to deal with anxiety, what are the options open to them? In answer to this, it is safe to say that a visit to your doctor should be high on the agenda. The medic will not necessarily have any easy answers to the problem, although various treatments and medications can be prescribed to treat cases of severe anxiety.

In many cases, patients suffering from anxiety disorders may require cognitive behavioral therapy from a professional psychotherapist. This involves patients talking through and identifying their anxieties and, with the help of the therapist, eventually “unlearning” them.

Another treatment for anxiety is hypnotherapy, which has been shown to be effective in some cases.

In addition, there is thought to be a connection between caffeine and anxiety. Some people find that reducing their consumption of caffeine works in relieving their problems with anxiety.

Another side of anxiety treatment involves the use of various herbal remedies. Although firm evidence is patchy, it is an undeniable fact that many people have reported that ingesting substances like St. John’s Wort, Passionflower, Magnolia bark, and Kava were useful.

In addition to this, there are several relaxation techniques practicing of which can reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to the problem of how to deal with anxiety, but there are different avenues to explore. However, it is important to note that there is no “one size fits all” treatment for anxiety disorders, or even for milder cases of anxiety.

What Is Anxiety All About?

Anxiety is a very serious problem that affects people all over the world. They worry from the moment they wake up until the time that they go to bed. Depending on how serious their condition is, the person might worry more about problems pertaining to themselves, or about worldly issues that are affecting other people.

Either way, this is a draining process that can cause the person to age prematurely, have digestion problems, or suffer from a lack of sleep.

The statistics for anxiety are certainly concerning. So far, it has been estimated that close to 13% of people are suffering from anxiety.

The most common misconception about this condition is that the afflicted suffer from the problem daily. On the contrary, anxiety disorder is not associated with feelings that occur in normal situations. Instead, it is a lasting condition that is mixed with large amounts of tension and feelings of worry without there being an issue present.

People with anxiety also have the continuous feeling that something bad is going to happen. They feel as if they cannot relax and be happy about things going on around them because they are convinced that something is going to happen. They might also get anxiety attacks if they feel like they are going to die.

Some of the common symptoms of anxiety include feelings such as having a shortening of breath, complaints of sweats or chills, and the feeling of faintness. Many patients first become aware of the issue after having chest pain that can often be mistaken for a heart attack. A racing heartbeat, dizziness, and upset stomach are other signs of anxiety attacks or conditions. Many people are not aware that the symptoms listed above are associated with anxiety attacks.

Other feelings that are associated with anxiety are often felt in secret, from the inside of the body, and are the feelings of being on the edge while still having to pretend that the person is all right. Keeping these feelings to themselves can cause the person to have trouble with their work performance or at home. The most obvious sign that you or another person has a problem is the continuous feeling of being irritable. This can cause other relationships to suffer in the process.

If you are suffering from anxiety, then it is important that you seek help. The same applies if you know of someone with this condition. By allowing yourself or your loved one to continue suffering, you will be hurting yourself or that other person. The good news is that treatment is available, but it will take a lot of effort to change.

  Read more here onAnxiety and Its Symptoms

How Is Anxiety Diagnosed

Mental health professionals typically use a combination of methods to diagnose anxiety, including:
  • Clinical Interviews: During a clinical interview, a mental health professional will ask questions about the individual's symptoms, medical history, and personal and family history. They will also ask about the individual's current stressors, coping mechanisms, and overall functioning.
  • Psychological assessments: Psychological assessments may include self-report measures, such as questionnaires or interviews, that assess the individual's symptoms of anxiety. These assessments can also help to rule out other conditions, such as depression.
  • Physical examination: A physical examination is performed to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing or contributing to the individual's symptoms of anxiety.
  • Diagnostic Criteria: Mental health professionals use the criteria provided in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) to diagnose anxiety disorders. These criteria include specific symptoms and the duration of those symptoms.
It's important to note that the diagnosis of anxiety is complex, and mental health professionals will consider multiple factors to reach a diagnosis, including the individual's symptoms, history, and overall functioning. Additionally, it's also important to consider co-occurring conditions, such as depression, in the diagnosis process.

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

While our modern world has been responsible for great and many amazing innovations, new technologies, and a more connected world offering all kinds of possibilities, one of the things most overlooked is the fact that alongside all this rapid change and development has been a massive boom in the stress and anxiety levels of people all over the globe.

And while these factors are and always have been hardwired into humans since the dawn of time, the fact of the matter is that they were designed to keep us safe and productive, not to stop us from being the same. While these stressors signaled our ancestors to be wary of a saber-toothed tiger and the like – real dangers that we needed to steer clear of to survive – today we’re both the safest and most stressed out of any time in history.

But we don’t have to be...!

Recognize that there is something you want to change about yourself.

Before you go looking for the right ways to help you solve the how to get rid of anxiety problem, you need to first analyze what exactly is going on in your life and what the stressors are.

Sometimes, not always but sometimes, the main stressors are environmental problems that can be remedied with a change of scenery or a shaking up your daily routine. And while this doesn’t always work, it can be a powerful tool to help you on the path to learning how to get rid of anxiety forever and will give you a good idea of the amount of work needed to boost the quality of life you’re longing to experience.

Find the proper resources to give you the knowledge and leverage you need to successfully change. In most cases of anxiety, the solution will be miles and miles more complex than just painting a room or moving the furniture about – and it is in these cases that you need to turn to professionally developed systems and programs to help you learn how to get rid of anxiety forever.

There are lots of things that can contribute to your anxiety including the death of a loved one, loss of employment, or a traumatic experience. Finding ways to deal with these additional loads can also help you find ways how to get rid of anxiety.

Sometimes, the root causes of deep and pervasive anxiety can be rooted in places long buried deep in our minds and past, and without the proper tools and knowledge, we could get to poking around and make things much, much worse. To make sure that this doesn’t happen to you or anyone you love, take the help of a qualified mental health professional to overcome anxiety.

When to Seek Treatment for Anxiety

As a general rule, you should seek treatment for anxiety when it becomes so severe and persistent that it starts to interfere with daily living on an ongoing basis. Being unable to sleep soundly because you are nervous about a job interview the following day is not an anxiety disorder. Being unable to get out of bed for days on end for reasons that you can't quite identify is. So,

when anxiety gets severe enough to substantially limit one or more major life activities, it could be time to seek medical/professional help for anxiety.

Anxiety Treatment

Because of the debilitating effects of anxiety, finding effective and safe anxiety treatment is of utmost importance. Anxiety is considered destructive to one’s life because it can affect your social well-being, self-confidence, thought processes, and even your daily activities. Some of the symptoms of anxiety you may be experiencing include apprehension, restlessness, insomnia, and a host of other problems.

Finding anxiety treatment is easier once you know the root cause of your problem, and your primary care physician can provide you with the right diagnosis for this.

Several personality tests exist to help doctors identify the nature and severity of the disorder. Once diagnosed, the disorder may be treated with medications, therapy, or a combination of the two. Common medications used are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), beta-blockers, and antidepressants. Types of therapy used include relaxation therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and psychotherapy.

Your doctor should be able to find the right combination of medications and therapy. Sometimes this might take a while and several different options may need to be tried before the right one is found. This is perfectly normal. It's nothing to be anxious about.

While there are so many available treatments today including a number of antidepressants, the right cure for you may differ from the others. For instance, there are specific medications for panic attacks and there are medications prescribed for depression.

Types of Anxiety Medications:
  • Anti-Anxiety Drugs such as benzodiazepines, Buspirone, Clonazepam
  • Beta-Blockers such as propranolol
  • SSRIs, also known as selective Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
  • MAOIs, also known as Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors
  • TCAs also known as Tricyclic anti-depressants
  • SNRIs also known as Serotonin and Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors
You might have to take into consideration though that these medications can have their side effects. Some side effects that you can encounter with prescribed medications may include nausea, drowsiness, gastrointestinal problems, and others.

Aside from pharmaceutical medications, you can also find herbs that you can use as your anxiety treatment.

However, if you are not fond of taking medications, you can still pursue other anxiety treatments like involving yourself in an exercise routine. Go for brisk walking in the morning to clear your mind or go swimming and cycling. You can also try some meditation techniques, yoga, and/or other abdominal breathing exercises. For some people, the best anxiety treatment is still the natural way like getting enough sleep and having a healthy diet. (See hereRelaxation Techniques and other Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Stress)

While there may be some medications for your anxiety problems, the most effective anxiety treatment is still taking good care of yourself. You need to eat well and stay from things or situations that cause you stress. You also need to stop dwelling on negative thoughts and be a positive thinker. Learn the skill of time management if you are constantly busy with your schedule and find some ‘me time’ each day where you can relax while having massages, soak in a warm bath, or use aromatic oils to calm your senses.

Since panic/anxiety attacks can happen anywhere when you least expect them, you need your anxiety treatment on hand since it can be easily managed and treated.

Doctors, herbalists, psychologists, and even your friend can have different concepts when it comes to the most effective and safe anxiety treatment, so it is up to you to choose which of the available treatments you think is the best and go for it.

Some patients, find it more difficult as they find ways to get out of their panic/anxiety attacks, which makes it worst. To get the right anxiety treatment, you have to know what causes it first as this happens usually when the situation goes out of control.

Finding the right treatment can stop your attack even before it starts. If the cause is organic, your doctor can prescribe the right medications. You can also keep a healthy body by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising daily so that you will have physical strength.

Finding an effective and safe anxiety treatment is easy nowadays since there are so many sources for it, whether you want to seek medical help or use natural remedies for it.

How to Deal With Anxiety without Medication

Since most of the medications prescribed for anxiety today have harmful side effects, you should look for natural ways how to deal with anxiety without medication. Since anxiety symptoms can happen anytime, you should learn how to face your problem.

Learning how to get rid of anxiety by facing your problem can be a great help because acceptance is the key to its cure. Since it will not likely go away soon, you better accept it now and avoid denying your feelings. Denial will get you nowhere, so you might as well look for the root cause of your problem and solve it.

Another thing that you can do how to calm anxiety is learn some breathing control that can help relax your body and mind. Breathe deeply (and slowly) and focus your attention on inhaling and exhaling, and you will notice that you will be calmer since it helps divert your mind.

You will also need to stop thinking negative thoughts. Some of the ways to calm anxiety by clearing your mind of negative things include reading good books, watching a feel-good movie, solving puzzles, and even listening to your favorite music.

Another good strategy on how to manage anxiety is by doing regular exercise. Even if you are not a sports buff, you can simply jog or do some brisk walking around the corner daily. You do not have to spend a single penny for this and this can also help ease your tensed muscles, which are caused by anxiety.

Other ways how to deal with anxiety without medication include distracting your mind once you feel that an attack is setting in and having a healthy body. You can easily distract your mind by picking a book or an object and describing it to yourself in great detail.

Keep your body in shape by eating a healthy diet, sleeping early, going for regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and other stimulants. This article would help you more → 11 Must Know Natural Remedies for Anxiety.

When finding ways how to overcome anxiety, you will also need to stay away from the things or situations that can trigger your anxiety attacks.

With so many problems affecting a person’s life today, it is no wonder that more and more people are getting anxiety problems and other mood disorders. However, medications should not always be your first resort since these can have some harmful side effects on your body, and you can be dependent on them.

Finding ways how to deal with anxiety without medication is now easy because of a number of self-help books, psychologists, and counselors that can give you the needed information to curb it.

  Read alsoHow to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Natural Anxiety Remedies

In our modern lives as we endeavor to search for our daily bread we build up a lot of stress and anxiety. Due to high levels of anxiety, our immune system would diminish, with the quality of our lives following a similar path and eventually leading us to depression. Hence it has become necessary to manage our anxiety to live a happy life.

There are both artificial and natural anxiety remedies available as an option for managing our stress levels. Artificial anxiety reducer includes drugs made by pharmaceutical companies which in more cases than not leads to complications caused by side effects of using such drugs. For instance, a drug like Xanax leads to side effects such as fatigue, memory and coordination problems, unusual appetite, and being irritable.

When we come to natural anxiety remedies, we find a wide variety of herbs that not only are proven and tested to reduce anxiety but also serve as a good flavor food additive. These herbs go a long way in checking on the adrenaline level within the body, furthermore, they strengthen the respiratory system and the heart which are the organs that bare most of the damage from anxiety.

The examples of the best natural anxiety remedies/reducers

Red Clover: it is a herb that contains a substance called phytoestrogens. This substance which is a natural estrogen found in plants relieves the symptoms of excess stress. In addition to this, it reduces cholesterol levels thus diminishing the chances of getting a heart attack.

Tarragon: this herb not only can be used as a food flavor additive to foods like fish or chicken but also when ingested, it has a relaxation sensation since it relieves physical pain which can be a cause for stress.

Dill: it has been known to soothe stomach cramps during the digestion process by soothing and relaxing the stomach lining and muscles. This removes the chances of ulcers forming since excess stress has been known to be a cause of stomach ulcers and other associated digestive system problems.

Rosemary: this herb is known as one of the best natural anxiety reducers, and has been reviewed by Science Daily to reduce stress by relieving tension in the body's muscles. This leads to effective blood flow to the brain and eyes, thus improving your mental performance and a sensation of clarity.

Sage: is a herb that can not only be used as a peppery flavor to meat among other foodstuffs but also Sage has been known to improve memory and enhance a sense of clarity. In addition to all of these, Sage acts as an antioxidant and helps maintain healthy tissues in the human body.

St. John’s Wort: is a herb that has been known to stimulate the pituitary gland to break down excess norepinephrine. This is a hormone that enhances the rate of heart and advances blood flow to the skeletal muscles as associated with the body’s fight or flight reaction to environmental stimuli/threats. Release of norepinephrine is normal during vigorous physical activity or dangerous situations thus the body adapts to secure safety. The problem arises when the body continues to release such a high amount of norepinephrine even when the body is in a relaxed mode or the situation is uncalled for. This could lead to the individual being hyper even when not necessarily leading to anxiety. Thus St. John’s Wort serves well as natural anxiety reliever.

Are Natural Remedies for Anxiety Effective?

With the number of people veering away from pharmaceutical drugs for anxiety, it is no wonder that more and more natural remedies are being offered in the market today. Those who are suffering from anxiety and other mood disorders much prefer natural remedies for anxiety because it is a safer and healthier approach.

The side effects of anxiety medications include depression, lack of sex drive, problems sleeping, and a host of other problems aside from greater anxiety. These side effects can definitely worsen what you are feeling especially when you already have signs of anxiety like panic attacks, fear, difficulty sleeping, etc., which can make your life more difficult and uncomfortable.

If you are looking for natural remedies for anxiety, expert herbalists can give you cures that were in use even centuries ago. According to expert herbalists, the best natural remedies for anxiety are passionflower, valerian, kava-kava root, lemon balm, California poppy, St. John’s Wort, chamomile, and ginger among others.

Passionflower is the most famous herb for anxiety because of its anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties, and as a powerhouse antioxidant.

The Kava-kava root is perfect for mild to moderate anxiety and is also safe for the liver.

Lemon balm can also relieve your stress, promote sleep, and can greatly improve your moods and spirits.

Other natural remedies for anxiety that you can easily find in your home include making teas from chamomile, lavender, or orange blossoms or using their oils for aromatherapy.

There is a good reason why some people are fond of drinking herbal tea. Drinking chamomile tea is a favorite as it helps calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Chamomile tea also contains compounds that have a calming effect on the body, making it easier to fall asleep.

While the natural remedies for anxiety can be considered as effective for some people, it is always better to check with your primary care physician especially if you are pregnant or have some medical conditions. The same is true if you are taking other medications since some herbs may have some interactions with them.

In addition, some of these herbs may have been used for centuries to treat anxiety, but there is no guarantee that they have beneficial effects or not, so it is better to go for consultations first. You need to try first if one of the natural remedies for anxiety work or not, and choose other options if they fail.

Aside from medicinal herbs, you can also find other natural remedies for anxiety such as mind and body techniques that promote relaxation like yoga, tai chi, etc.; and the use of aromatic oils for massages and baths.

For some people, taking care of one’s self is still the best natural remedy for anxiety since you are dealing with your own body. You have to improve your frame of mind, relax, and calm yourself if you are experiencing anxiety attacks.

Taking anxiety medications for your anxiety problems is still dependent on you. However, since there are some natural ways to curb it, why not take these options first? Natural remedies for anxiety such as herbs, having a regular exercise routine, having a healthy diet, meditation techniques, or by using aromatherapy can still be considered the best choice instead of being overly dependent on medications and suffering from their side effects.

  Read also11 Must Know Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

Relaxation techniques for anxiety can provide a lot of benefits from soothing your tired muscles, fighting fatigue, and even keeping you from being irritable.

One of the best relaxation techniques for anxiety is yoga. This helps reduce the effects of the medications that you used for treatment, helps you focus on breathing, and provides mind and body wellness. You can either participate in a class or ask a yoga instructor to help you with some relaxation techniques that you can do at home.

You can also do other relaxation techniques for anxiety by breaking your daily routine such as reading a book, starting a hobby, planting flowers or vegetables, or calling a friend. You may also want to live your life to the fullest by doing things you have never done before, so you will have no regrets later on.

Other relaxation techniques for anxiety that you can do involve going on a therapeutic treatment. Sharing your feelings with others and having a support system are great ways to relax your mind since this will enable you to define anxiety triggers and avoid them. Talking to a counselor also helps since they are equipped to help you with your issues.

Meditation is also one of the best relaxation techniques for anxiety, and this does not entail sitting down and saying oohs and aahs. It can be anything that you do repeatedly like swimming, painting, knitting, etc.

Aside from deep breathing, you can also try other relaxation techniques for anxiety such as peaceful visualization. Remember the time when you are still young and fond of daydreaming, this is just the same. All you have to do is picture your favorite holiday spot, a fantasy island, or anything that will make you feel more relaxed and take your mind off of your stress. It can be a favorite place or somewhere that evokes happy memories.

Doing these relaxation techniques for anxiety can give you the benefits to fight off panic/anxiety attacks through colors, sounds, sights, and even the way you feel.

Looking around you, people-watching or even window shopping may not be the best relaxation techniques for anxiety, but they can surely help you a lot. As you become more mindful of your surroundings and the people around you, it will surely make your day better and more meaningful. Stop multitasking, be in the present, and stay focused and you will be fully relaxed.

You can do many more activities like cuddling your pet, talking to someone about the many blessings you received or the good things in your life, and going for massages. These relaxation techniques for anxiety can induce the relaxation you needed, help your body stay healthy and active, and soothe your soul.

  Read more here on → Relaxation Techniques and other Natural Remedies for Anxiety


Anxiety not only affects your mental health but can also have ill effects on your behavior and even in your relationship with other people. Anxiety disorders can greatly mess up your day-to-day activities. Being on the edge constantly can also make people around you more anxious. Hence, it is necessary to devise a plan on how to deal with anxiety through conventional treatment and/or alternative/natural remedies.


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