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Natural Remedies for Depression | Fight Depression without Meds

Fight Depression without Meds

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It can cause debilitating sadness and the loss of pleasure in things that once used to bring you joy. Depression is a disorder that is diagnosed by a physician and often treated with medication. However, many people experience relief from depression with natural remedies as well. In this article, I will discuss 10 natural ways to fight Depression without meds.

Can You Fight Depression without Meds

Yes, you can. Meds might be the easiest way to treat depression but many a time it can be fixed without them. The human body is an amazing machine. It is capable of adapting to the circumstances. When things are going well, your body will secrete different hormones; when things aren't going well, your body will adapt by secreting different types of hormones.

The trick is to find the right combination of situations, environment, and actions that will lead to the right secretions. Find it and you can fight depression without meds.

How to Fight Depression without Meds

Depression can be treated with the right medications as well as certain natural remedies. If depression is severe, it becomes necessary to take medication in addition to using natural remedies. However, natural remedies may be a good place to start because they can have fewer side effects than prescription medication. Let's start with a video...

Now, let’s take a look at the 10 natural ways to fight Depression without meds that you can implement in your everyday life to keep depression in check.

1. Get some sun. Many people feel a heightened sense of depression when they are indoors all the time, or away from any source of natural sunlight. Open the curtains to let in some light. Go for a walk and feel the warm sunshine on your face. If you cannot get outdoors, invest in a sun lamp; sun lamps were originally invented for enjoying the sun during the winter, not for tanning.

2. Exercise. Exercise is very important to stave off the effects of depression. Exercise releases “feel good” endorphins that can intensify your feelings of well-being and self-esteem. While most people who are depressed often think they don’t have the energy to exercise, making time for a regular exercise routine will help alleviate your depression and have other lasting health benefits as well. If you must – then force yourself to get some exercise – even if it is just a brisk walk each day.

3. Eat properly. Perhaps the most important golden rule of all when fighting depression – eat healthily. Our bodies need food for fuel, and providing your body with a healthy diet that avoids refined sugars and starches is an important step in keeping depression at bay – and will also help improve your overall general health.

4. Get a good night’s sleep. Many people who suffer from depression either sleep too much or can’t sleep as much as they need to. Find ways to unwind before bedtime. Start a bedtime ritual of taking a warm bath. Drop some lavender oil in a candle burner for an even deeper sleep. Make sure your room is darkened and that it’s at a comfortable temperature. If you need some noise – try running a small fan near your bedside. Make getting a good night’s sleep a priority and you’ll find that you feel better each day.

5. Avoid alcohol use. While the occasional glass of wine may help you to relax, more than a social drink or two can worsen depression. Additionally, drinking alcohol in combination with medications (either for depression or other medical problems) can cause your depression to worsen. You may read further here on → Alcohol and Depression.

6. Read. Reading has a magical effect of transporting us from our current lives into the lives of others – almost like living inside a movie! Pick up some good books – whether you crave romance, suspense, or adventure – prop up on the couch or at the beach and just read. Reading is soothing and can take your mind off of your troubles (and your depression). You can also take up writing, singing, knitting, cooking, or whatever you like to relax and enjoy yourself.

7. Keep a journal. The simple act of writing is a great stress reliever and has been shown to fight depression. Journal writing gives you an outlet or a sounding board for your worries, fears, concerns, joys, and more.

8. Socialize. Go to the movies, get a gym membership, or join a local group of volunteers. Invite your friends for an outing or a card game. Getting out and experiencing life will help to calm your depressive tendencies.

9. Enjoy the outdoors. Nothing is more calming than enjoying the wonders of the great outdoors. Go swimming, walk in the woods, visit the local zoo, and do your exercise at the local park. Outdoor activities will make you feel better about your life, and alleviate your depression – and most of them are free or inexpensive.

10. Reach out for support. There are lots of support groups (you can find online forums on the internet) out there that you can turn to when you are struggling with depression. Additionally, reach out to other people and make connections regarding other areas of your life. Having a social support system in place is a great way to fight depression. Building positive relationships is known to alleviate depression and keep depression from coming back in full force.

   Read more: How to Get Rid of Depression Without Medication

I hope this article on Fight Depression without Meds was helpful. If you have any more ideas, do comment below.


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