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Importance of Stress Management in the Workplace

Growing up we all felt like we understood what stress was. There was homework and chores to be done before we could get out and play. But nothing prepared us for the overwhelming stress of trying to support a family and hold down a full-time job at the same time. When you’re trying to work and live in the real world, having good stress management skills for your workplace is a must.

Managing Stress at the Workplace

There is no question that life as an adult is littered with stress and worries that can manifest themselves at the drop of a hat. Perhaps the most abundant of these stressors and worries stem from our job, or place of work.

Causes of job stress

Job stress is something we all face as employees – and we all treat it differently. Job stress is often caused by a large number of elements such as –
  • changes in management,
  • long working hours,
  • roadblocks to career advancement,
  • compounded competition,
  • high pressure deadlines,
  • work overburden,
  • excessive rules and regulations,
  • lack of involvement in decision making,
  • new technology,
  • inadequate back up,
  • conflicting demands from organisational stakeholders, and
  • personal differences.
Job stress is not to be confused with challenges, but these concepts are not the equal. Job stress is the adverse emotional and physical responses resulting from the fundamental interaction between the worker and her/his work surroundings where the demands of the job outstrip the worker’s capabilities and resources.

Research indicates that the single biggest cause of job stress is unhealthy work practices and conditions. Put differently, unlike pressure or challenge, job stress is marked by an absence of control and of being swamped at work. [ Ref. WHO Questions and answers on Occupational health: Stress at the workplace ]

Why is work so stressful?

Work stress is a common issue that many of us face in our careers. It can be caused by factors such as feeling overwhelmed by work, lack of appreciation, unclear expectations, conflicts, lack of autonomy, and also outside factors such as personal life, financial stress, and health.

A possibility may be that most people don’t have a career in a field that they enjoy. More often than not, people take jobs that offer the most stability rather than personal satisfaction.

It would not be practical for everyone to just up and quit their current well-paying, stable jobs and pursue a career doing something they love and are passionate about.

Find yourself a program to help you deal with your stress to make sure you stay balanced and even-tempered.

While Job Stress is listed as the number one stress producer, tension levels have also escalated in youngsters, teenagers, university student and the aged. One-third think they’ll burn-out in the near future, and one-third feel that job stress is the one biggest source of stress in their lives.

Why is it important to manage stress in the workplace

Keeping your stress levels under control will make sure you keep yourself organized and under control, as well as a high-functioning member of your company.

Managing your stress from work requires taking all the frustration and worries that accumulate during your busy workweek and finding a way to channel it outside in a positive way. By doing this, you assure that your stress isn’t taken out on the other people you work with, or in any other way that could disrupt your working life. After all, no one wants to bear the guilt on their shoulders of blowing up from an excess of pent-up stress and hurting the people and the company they work with.

Stress Management in the Workplace is Vital

The best option to reduce workplace stress is to manage it. If stress is not managed properly, a bad situation can turn into a really bad situation very quickly. Quite often many people find that they just can’t handle the stress at work anymore and end up giving up their jobs. Stress can also hurt one's health. For these reasons, stress management is vital to being successful at work and living a healthy lifestyle.

Help Has Arrived

Nowadays companies have become aware of the negative effects of stress and have implemented stress management programs to help their employees cope with the day-to-day pressures they face. Companies are seeing the advantages of offering stress management programs to employees are many. It is truly an altruistic situation, employees are happier and more relaxed, and as a result productivity increases.

These seminars and classes are offered free of charge and employees are encouraged to take advantage of these programs for the well-being of themselves and the company. A lot of good tips and tricks for battling stress are presented during these programs and if one takes heed to the lessons taught, the workplace can be a place of peace rather than calamity.

What if a company doesn’t offer stress management programs?

All is not lost; there are ample resources available to help manage the daily grind. With the technology available today, the web is the best place to find stress management seminars and classes. Although most are not free, the small price to pay to take one of these seminars is minuscule to the lessons and techniques learned. A stress-free job and a worry-free life are one click away.

  Find here → 5 Ways to Manage Stress in the Workplace

Importance of Corporate Stress Management

Everyone remembers the kind of stress that we use to face daily, but the same cannot be compared to today’s world of stress. Things are on the verge most of the time and we are not sure it will be good or bad for us.

Corporate stress is the most stressful these days as it occupies thousands of people worldwide. If you are not perfect then automatically the department is not a perfect one. This is why we say that corporate stress management is an important one that keeps us going successfully on the job.

It makes us secure for ourselves and our family and others too. In case you notice someone in your department suffering from stress we should show him/her the right direction. Seeking seminars for corporate stress management is the ideal way to help make sure the stress situation does not get out of control.

Places To Find Help

Since you are fine now taking the first few steps and making sure that you have the tools in place to handle stress you can start looking for classes in your area. There are many classes that you can take for stress management.

The best place is college as they have local classes which keep on conducting. Corporate stress management classes can also be found in some libraries and in other places such as that.

Also, check online for corporate stress management classes that can be taken over the Internet. These classes do require a fee but they are certainly worth it in the end.

If you feel that those classes will not help you can get in touch with your senior and discuss strategies for relieving stress. These are free of cost and you get the same from experienced people.

You can always initiate a class that can be conducted for stress management at the office. This way, many people can benefit from it and the company as a whole will see the brighter side of things.

Stress at Work is Harmful

Workplace stress is a harmful physical and emotional response to a poor match between job demands and the capabilities, resources, and needs of the worker.

Stress-related disorders include a wide variety of conditions, including anxiety, tension, fatigue, depression, dissatisfaction, aggression, substance abuse, and difficulty focusing and remembering. These conditions lead to poor performance or injury. Job stress has been associated with compromised health, including cardiovascular disease.

Coping with stress isn’t easy for anyone, age and past experience can’t help. When the stress is occupational, management can be even more difficult because of what is at stake. Work stress can be overwhelming and hard to avoid.

Giving up and walking away from a good job is not something you want to do, and it’s not the answer to your problems. Making that mistake doesn’t help your situation, or your ability to manage.

No matter your position occupational stress management is a great thing. It is something to consider seriously. Without taking the steps to stop the stresses you could be missing out on the good times.

There are different occupational stress management courses and seminars to help you not only keep your job but also take steps to advance.

You Can Find Seminars

First, check with your own employer, many companies are offering occupational stress management classes. When offered by the workplace, classes are usually free of charge or can be taken while on the job.

You are merely asking for a stress management class may provoke your employer into offering one. Perhaps, they will see the benefits of occupational stress management seminars.

Stress is a prevalent and costly problem in the workplace. About one-fourth of employees consider their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives. Evidence suggests that stress is the number one cause of turnover.

Take on a Hobby

Stress can be relieved with exercise or creative activity. Joining a sports team, even with your co-workers can increase the work fun level, and reduce the tension. Start a jogging club or a walking group for lunchtime. Even a knitting circle in the breakroom could have an effect. Taking time to enjoy others in the same situation as you, will reduce their stress and yours.

Differences in an individual’s personality and coping skills are important in predicting what certain job conditions will result in, meaning, what is stressful for one person may not be even a slight problem for someone else.

So you’re Stressed - Learn how to manage It

There may come a time in your life when stress is overwhelming. If you feel you cannot handle the pressures alone and need somewhere to turn, there are people in place to help you. Stress management training is one way people are seeking out help with handling crises and daily stress in their lives.

By taking a stress management class you are on your way to a healthier and happier you. There should be no shame in taking a class of this nature, no different than going to the doctor for a routine visit; you take the class to benefit your health and well-being. If you were running a fever, you would see a doctor, then why would you not see a professional when your mental health is at stake?

Stress management training has become quite popular among employers; your company may offer a stress management class conducted by a professional. Employers have found that by offering these classes their employees are more productive and there are fewer calls off due to the stresses of work.

Studies have shown that most employees calling in for a sick day are not actually sick, but rather just stressed out. The daily grind of your job will sometimes lead to stress, and co-workers or an angry boss are all causes of work-related stress as well. Not to worry, there is always help.

Your employer may not offer stress management training, but you can still find the help you need. Online courses in stress management are very helpful and can be done in the privacy of your own home and at your own pace, they offer online support groups and guidance to help you along the way. They do charge a fee, however, but it is well worth the cost if it will benefit your health and protect your job.

If cost is an issue for the online stress management training, you may want to check into other options. Your local library or college may offer courses for a smaller cost to you; you may also want to talk to your pastor to find out if they offer any similar classes or would be willing to.

Although these options have a smaller cost for the course, you will have to adjust your schedule to adhere to their days and times. If you keep your eyes and ears open and know where to begin, you will have no problems finding the right class to meet your needs.

Workplace Stress Management is Crucial

In regard to stress, some of the most critical factors involve the workplace and home life. Although they are both very important, it appears that the workplace tends to give many people the biggest trouble, because they just don’t know how to deal with it all.

The greatest concern is that when it comes to poor workplace stress management, people could soon find themselves with no job if they do not figure it out. Some employees are fired over substandard performance often caused by job stress that they simply could not handle on their own. Some even leave the job of their own accord due to fear of stress.

Whether you’re an hourly employee or a person at the top who is dealing with corporate stress management, you’re likely to require some assistance at some point. The longer that you wait for help, however, the more difficult the path will become. The sooner you obtain help with your problems with workplace stress management, the better off you will be in terms of the company and yourself.

There is no shame in looking for help since the wrong action would be to notice something wrong but sit there and do nothing.

Where to Locate Help For Yourself

If you discuss these issues with your manager or human resources department, you might actually find that seminars exist which can help you to manage workplace stress. These seminars might or might not be held during your work hours or may not necessarily be held at your workplace. Each employer must work out their own details, but it is critical to try your best to go to these seminars if they are provided for you.

In the end, workplace stress management seminars are all about keeping employees healthy and safe. If you discover that after talking with those in your workplace that they do not offer such seminars or classes, you will need to look elsewhere for assistance until your employer comes on board.

Courses and seminars in workplace stress management are offered in many places. What you need to do is find one near you, sign up, then reap all the benefits to be gained from these sessions. Workplace stress management is a great way of making sure that you can get through the workday in peace and then go home with little or no stress weighing on your mind.

Importance of Stress Management Program

Stress Management Tips and Techniques – Necessary Tools For Nearly Every Workplace Today: More stress is generated in the workplace than nearly anywhere else. Thus, bringing a stress management expert in to help your employees learn how to handle their stress can be really helpful. It’s an excellent way to show your employees that you care about their well-being.

In addition, it’s a fantastic way to ensure high levels of productivity – when stress is reduced, employees work faster, harder, and better. It can also reduce costs – when people have less stress, they tend to become sick less often, which leads to less absenteeism and possibly reduced premiums for medical insurance.

Many employers have begun to realize the benefits that accrue from providing courses or seminars in stress management techniques to their employees. In fact, nearly every company can benefit in some way from reducing their employees’ stress levels through the use of such techniques. The whole workplace can become a more pleasant environment, as internal disagreements tend to fade when people know how to handle their stress.

Everyone from the highest level executive to the lowest level clerk has some amount of stress to handle. With the right system, a stress management program can make everyone in the company feel better – and work better.

An in-house stress management program doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. It can work with as little as one hour per day - or even one hour per week if the program is set up properly. In fact, the benefits of stress management are so outstanding that even having a class only once per quarter can be better than having no classes at all.

Even if the program seems to have no effect, the costs associated with a stress management program are generally so minimal that it doesn’t hurt to try it out.

You can always stop a program that doesn’t look like it’s working – but isn’t it a good idea to give an idea that is potentially so beneficial a try? If it doesn’t appear to be successful, or if too many employees complain about the time it takes away from their workday, then it may be that your company is one of the few for which stress management techniques are unnecessary. If so, congratulations!

However, for most workplaces, a stress management program is a tremendous boost to employee happiness, welfare, and productivity.


When the stress from your life starts to build up, you can tell when it’s time to start looking for ways to get rid of it before you simply explode. Many offices and companies provide programs for their employees to help keep stress levels to a minimum, and oftentimes they are offered free of charge.

More and more companies are discovering the benefits of having employees with low or under-control levels of stress, and are trying to help their employees reach these goals in order to provide them, the employers, with a more constructive work environment for everyone. If your company doesn’t have free stress management programs, then it’s time to look for one somewhere else.

It is so important to keep your stress under control and away from the workplace or your family, that you really should start looking right away for a place that can give you the help and support you need to decrease your stress.

Try looking around the town where you live, or on the Internet for places near you that can help ease your frustration. In the end, it will be more than worth it, and you will be grateful to yourself for getting yourself the help you needed to maintain healthy levels of stress in your life.


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